Pedraza, a medieval kingdom

Pedraza is one of the best preserved and most beautiful medieval towns in all of Spain. It still retains its magnificent walls, its narrow cobbled streets, packed with ancient buildings and monuments. A walk through its quiet streets will transport you back in time to another period in history.This small town belongs to the province of Segovia and is located an hour’s drive from Madrid. Thanks to some clay vessels found that served as funerary niches, it has been possible to know that this town already existed 400 years BC. It is also known that it was occupied by the Muslims, but it was not until the time when it was reconquered by the Christians during the Reconquest, when it began to grow and develop. The aristocrats had palaces built there, in fact, the town is full of its stately homes and medieval palaces. In the last 25 years, they have dedicated themselves to restoring the town and you can tell that they are very proud of it. The main celebrations in this region take place in the first days of September in honor of the Virgen de Carrascal, in which running of the bulls takes place.

What to see

Pedraza Castle is a fortress, which has remained in its general condition since it was built in the 13th century as a defense against the Muslims. Even today we can see the Torre del Homenaje from the same century. The one that also maintains its original structure and the tower is the Church of Santa Maria, built in the year 1500. An unavoidable stop is the Plaza Mayor, porticoed, inspiration for numerous filmmakers and painters, in which time seems to have stagnated in the Middle Ages. Meeting place for the inhabitants of the Villa, where you can enjoy the terraces in summer. In the festivities it is closed as it was done in the past and it is the place where the famous running of the bulls in Pedraza ends and later the bullfight is celebrated. The Church of San Juan Bautista is also worth making a stop along the way, since it still allows us to appreciate remains of its original Romanesque style, which underwent a Baroque coating that has endowed the interior of the temple with a unique charm.

What to buy

The gastronomy of Pedraza is well known. Its roast lamb, its roasted free-range chicken in a casserole, its traditional bread and the wines that are so typical in all Castilian lands stand out. Tin works and rye straw caps are one of the main products that this town offers its visitors.

Where to eat

Segovia is known for its excellent meat and Pedraza is no exception. There are many restaurants specialized in preparing roast lamb, suckling pig or suckling pig, where the meat is roasted in a typical way of this region. They also prepare excellent regional dishes such as lentil or bean stews with bacon, pork, chorizo ​​or roasted vegetables. The porch or The garden are two good recommendations.

Where to sleep

The Hotel de la Villa and La Hospedería de Santo Domingo are perhaps the two most charming hotels in Pedraza, restored manor houses that will give a homely and functional character to your stay. With beautiful views and always designed for the tranquility and enjoyment of the visitor.

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